Ride Report: Fat Tuesday At Rays MTB Park Cleveland

I got an email a week ago from a friend letting me know that Ray's MTB Park was having a FREE day of riding for fatbikes, so naturally we had to make the trip out.  Setting out caravan style with bikes in tow we made it there in a little over 4 hours.  Some people in the group were riding Rays for the first time, but everyone was riding Rays on Fatbikes for the first time.

Rays on fatbikes was a whole other experience, and awesome one, seriously if you are stuck inside not riding, riding a trainer and not riding a fatbike you need to get yourself one.  They are just too much fun not to give a rip on.  There were so many lines that felt completely different.

Blood was shed to the fat-tire Gods and some even tried jumping the behemoths.  I am super happy that Rays had fat bikers out there, big thanks to all of those guys, and you can check out a train video on their instagram @raysmtb.  


Anonymous said…
Did you get any of me (Steve / the guy in the plaid jersey) going head-first into the foam pit? Or maybe any with my feet sticking out?